Country Manager Italy (m/f/d)

Planerio GmbH • München



Your Role:

As our Country Manager, you'll be responsible for launching and developing the Italian market for Planerio from the ground up. You'll be supported by colleagues who have successfully expanded into other countries. You'll be instrumental in crafting this journey, driving market entry and subsequent growth. Our smart software is especially beneficial for medical institutions such as hospitals and clinics. You'll also communicate customer needs to our product development team. Your task is to optimally position our software, convincingly convey its value, and help revolutionize the Italian market with Planerio.

Your Responsibilities:
  • Work closely with our Business and Development teams to create and execute a market entry strategy for Italy.
  • Identify market potentials, target customers, and build a strong network, especially in the medical sector.
  • Conduct market and competitor analyses and continuously refine your sales strategy.
  • Create and implement strategic sales plans to acquire medical facilities like hospitals and clinics as clients.
  • Generate leads, set up meetings, and guide potential clients through the sales process.
  • Present our software solutions in online webinars, tailored to the Italian context, and build trust in their usability through proof-of-principle demonstrations.
  • Conduct contract negotiations and finalize contracts by adapting existing templates to meet Italy-specific requirements.
  • Represent Planerio at local events and trade shows to increase brand awareness and expand your network.
  • Collect and analyze data to continuously improve sales strategy and product marketing.
  • Own revenue targets and key performance indicators (KPIs) for the Italian market.


You're excited about independently conquering and developing a new market. You're independent, pragmatic, and determined to build long-term success. Plus, you are based in Germany, preferably in or near Munich, and fluent in Italian.

  • Ideally, you have a degree in business administration, technical sales management, or a comparable qualification.
  • You have 3-5 years of professional experience in B2B sales, preferably in the international sector and within the healthcare or tech industry.
  • You've got sales experience, ideally in outbound sales and showcasing software/SaaS solutions.
  • You’re fluent in Italian (spoken and written) and also proficient in English.
  • You have an entrepreneurial mindset and sales-oriented thinking.
  • You possess strong communication skills and the ability to persuade at all levels.
  • A self-reliant and structured work approach completes your profile.


Planerio represents innovation, team spirit, and a clear vision: to sustainably improve workforce management in healthcare. Our company culture is based on appreciation, openness, and a willingness to grow together. You'll become part of a dynamic team characterized by cohesion and mutual support. We also offer attractive benefits, providing you with flexibility and freedom. Whether it's about your work-life balance, personal development, or shared successes—at Planerio, our employees are the priority.

Das erwartet dich! Unsere Benefits

Möglichkeit, seinen Hund mit ins Büro zu bringen

Je nach Zugehörigkeit 28 bis 30 Tage

Mobiles & flexibles Arbeiten

49-Euro-Deutschland-Ticket als bezuschusstes Jobticket

Job Bike


Mental Health mit dem Fürstenberg Institut

Zuschuss Urban Sports Club

Corporate Benefits

Entwicklungsmaßnahmen & -möglichkeiten

Events & Überraschungen

Beitrag zur Altersvorsorge

Zentral gelegene moderne Büros mit höhenverstellbaren Schreibtischen und Getränkeauswahl

Mobiles Arbeiten aus dem EU-Ausland (max. 10 Arbeitstage im Jahr)

Planerio GmbH

Planerio revolutioniert das Workforce-Management im Gesundheitswesen. Mit unserer KI-basierten Software, der Smartphone-App und unserem technologischen Vorsprung digitalisieren und automatisieren wir alle Prozesse rund um den Personaleinsatz. Damit erhöhen wir nicht nur die Effizienz, sondern tragen auch erheblich zur Steigerung der Motivation und Zufriedenheit der Belegschaft unserer KundInnen bei. Intelligente Dienstplanung, Zeiterfassung, Lohnbuchhaltung, Employee-Self-Service etc. machen Planerio zu dem modernen Betriebssystem für das Personalmanagement in der Gesundheitsbranche. Als Teil der doctari group bauen wir mit rund 70 Mitarbeitenden die Plattform der Zukunft! Bei uns im Münchener Office ist immer was los. Sei es zu unserem Klassiker der Wiesn aber auch zu anderen regelmäßigen tollen Events wie einer Cocktail-Party, einem Pub-Quiz oder gemeinsames Rätseln in einem Escape-Room. Wir kommen als Team immer wieder gerne zusammen, tauschen uns aus und haben Spaß miteinander.

Planerio GmbH

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Kathi Korte

Kathi Korte

Teamlead Talent Attraction & Recruiting

+49 172 1568790


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2. Bestätigung und Prüfung
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3. Kennenlernen
In einem ersten Austausch via Teams oder Telefon lernst du und der/die Recruiting ManagerIn euch gegenseitig kennen.

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